
Health and Wealth


Proverbs 15:30 “Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.”
3 John 1 – 2 “Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
Proverbs 12
Luke 12


It’s in commercials we hear, books we read and on talk shows. Employers have even become aware of how important it is that their employees maintain good health. Commercials offer cures for our pains and self-help books are available to provide suggestions on improving our diets and maintaining our strength and over-all-well-being. However, the bare truth; we can only prolong the inevitable. We will grow old and may develop debilitating conditions may increase as so do the years.

Scripture is found througout the Bible that addresses the issues of health and wealth. Many throughout time have attained much wealth through their hard work and by being good stewards of their finances. And, many have been able to enjoy the wealth they have amassed till their exit from this life. Others , as wealth increased, become more arrogant, stingy and bitter. The Word tells us that it is God ultimately that give both health and wealth and instructs us on how to have the ability to enjoy both. If our focus turns to all that we have and can acquire, the ability to enjoy it all soon becomes a burden one becomes fearful of losing control of it. However, if our focus is on God and honoring him with our giving, we have nothing to fear. If, or when our health begins to fail and we no longer have the ability to enjoy the things we may have, we can still be at peace in knowing that we are in His hands and that He will not fail us in times of loneliness or dispair. Utlimately, it is God that gives us the ability to enjoy what we have whether it be little or much. It is important that we strive to maintain the body God has given us through proper exercise, nutrition and rest. What is wealth if we have no strength or power to enjoy it?


Heavenly Father, help me to seek and worship you rather than becoming distracting on the things you provide for my enjoyment. Make me to know that it is you who gives health and strength as our days increase. Keep my focus on you and increase my faith so that I trust you with all that I have. Help me to be a wise steward of all that I have or may acquire. You are my strength and my song. Amen.

“About Tomorrow”


Psalm 92-97
Psalm 94:19, “When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy.”
Psalm 95:2, “Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.”


When you read a great book, do you enjoy the journey, taking in each page from beginning to end? Or do you jump to the last page, so you know what to expect? Is there tragedy ahead, or will everyone live “happily ever after”? At times, the unknown builds our anticipation; other times, it can drive us crazy! Wouldn’t it be nice if, in life, we had the option to jump to the last page to see how it all turns out? Yet, we’re left to wonder. And, for many of us, within that gap exists worry and fear. We also can feel out of control – not knowing what’s to come.  An old gospel hymn says, “ Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand. But I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand.” Uncertainty is a part of life, especially today. Negativity and worry can easily consume our thoughts. But as the song lyrics above so aptly remind us, if God wanted us to know the future, we would. Instead, we place our faith in the One who does know — the One who holds our hand through it all. As Christ-followers, we can rest in His promises, knowing He is in control, even in the most seemingly out-of-control situations. God has a plan that brings the Light of Hope to the darkest places. Our job is to make sure we hold fast to Him. And, if we live for Christ, we will live happily ever after! In Him, we win!


Lord, Intercede in my life and remove the anxiety within me. Help me focus my eyes on You and be thankful. Put a new song in my heart as I praise Your name. Amen.

“Best Laid Plans”


Proverbs 14:1-16:33
Proverbs 16:9, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”


Have you been in a situation where a last-minute change of plans threw off your whole day, or maybe even your year? I am a planner and it’s difficult when I make plans and they change.  Perhaps you had your heart set on something you “just knew” must have been ordained by God, then suddenly realized it wasn’t going to be possible, and it completely changed the trajectory of where you thought your life was going. This can be devastating. You feel as if the wind has been knocked out of you, your dream is lost, and you’re left wondering what went wrong. You begin to question God’s motives. Why isn’t He allowing to happen what you desired most? What did I do wrong, or what could I have done differently?

What’s important to remember is, we can make plans — even when they seem like they are God’s best for our lives — but He determines our steps. Could it be possible that past the immediate disappointment, God’s plans will be even better and more fulfilling than we dreamed or imagined?

Maybe our marriage engagement ends in a broken relationship, we lose out on what seemed like the career opportunity of a lifetime, or a scholarship to the school of our choice falls through the cracks. Is it the end of our hope? Absolutely not! God always has something better on the horizon of our lives. For me, I question when even the small plans don’t go according to “my plan”.   Key words “my plan”. 

So, when those moments arrive, what do you do? Start by placing your trust in God’s plans over yours. Things fall short of our expectations time and time again. But when we place our trust in Him, we will experience His best for our lives. Allow Him to direct your course and discover a life full of possibility, hope, and joy like you never before imagined. When “the plan” doesn’t take place, take a moment, stop and pray for guidance and THANK Him for the change in plans – be confident He is in control, and know something bigger/better is coming your way! 


Dear God, Thank You for the great plans You have for my life. When I fall short, help me keep my eyes fixed on You and what You have in store for me. I thank you in advance for “Your Plan”.  Amen.

“Life-changing Experiences”

Did you ever meet anyone that had a testimony of how their life changed significantly because of an incident or divine intervention. There are many who have experienced this first hand. Perhaps a physical ailment or loss; maybe, a financial rock-bottom experience that changed your perspective. Many things can happen in our lives to make us realize that our existence is through him and that ultimately, He is the only one that can walk beside us each step, each day, through each experience, to ensure that we accomplish his plan for us here on earth.

In biblical history, we find that Jacob, who accomplished so much for God’s kingdom wasn’t always obedient and sometimes had ulterior motives for doing what he did. Jacobs whole life course was changed with just one evening alone with a man who wrestled with Jacob, eventually displacing Jacob’s hip [Genesis 32:24 (KJV)]. This injury was life changing, affecting him for the remainder of his life. As his encounter ended with the man, Jacob received a blessing and was given a new name “Israel”. A reminder of his encounter with God. Jacob referred to the place as “Peniel” and acknowledged he had seen the face of God and that God had spared his life.

We, as Jacob, might be able to look back at some point in our lives when God or someone “touched” our lives and left an impression that stays with us as a constant reminder of God’s love and His constant pursuit to accomplish his plan for our lives.

What incidences can you look back upon and identify as life-changing that daily inspire you to pursue God’s purpose for your life?

“And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Genesis 32:30 (KJV)

“Promise for Protection”

Personal protection has become one of the biggest issues in the last few years. Protection from physical violence, vandalism, pandemics, and the taking away of personal freedoms. We should make every effort to be wise when it comes to protecting ourselves; however, we know that sometimes our efforts are faulted or useless in certain situations. However, there is a protection we can draw upon in these uncertain times, if we are a child of God and lay claim to His promise to keep us.

When we consider our own children and how we would do everything to keep them safe and out of harm’s way, consider how much more God wishes to protect his people and keep them safe. Sometimes, we forget that in a world where Satan often brings pain and suffering, God IS greater. Satan, is unable to move past bounderies which God establishes, period (Job 1, 2 KJV).

In the event that tragedy does strike our world, know this; it does not happen unless God allows it. Often, unthinkable beauty or good comes out pain, suffering or tragedy.

Take comfort and peace in the scriptures.

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91 KJV

“God is Greater”

Condemnation! We’ve all experienced it, and still may be going through times of feeling the gnawing mental anguish it brings. Sometimes, feelings of condemnation, may not be condemnation at all, but actually guilt or hurt from past experiences.

The best way to get past feelings of condemnation, is to ask God to interveen and help us to realize why we are having those feelings. If we feel that we have actually sinned, simply ask God for forgiveness, move on and purpose to do better. If we are in Christ, he convicts and desciplines, because he loves us and we are His. The Holy Spirit, is constantly leading us higher, not lower; leading us, not leaving us behind; fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives, not seeking to destroy us.

Today, we seek to do our best and be our best before Christ ans the world. Knowing that we are loved by God and having the confidence that by faith in His Son, we are more than conquerors!

” Children, you show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it. We love others, we know we belong to the truth, and we feel at ease in the presence of God.  But, even if we don’t feel at ease, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything. ” 1 John 1:18 – 20 (CEV)


Praise… oh how we love it, right? Don’t you just beam when someone approaches you and tells you how nice that color looks on you or they love a particular piece of jewelry or shoes? We beam when someone tells us how smart or talented we are or how well we handled a task. Grandparents, especially like to hear others compliment their grandchildren.

We praise others for a job well done. We praise people we know and don’t know. Sometimes, we praise others to gain rapport with them or to ask a favor. Of course, praise is most enjoyed when we know it is sincere.

Though God has loved us from the beginning and sent his Son, Christ, to redeem fallen man, he loves to hear how thankful we are in our offering of praise to him. God will do anything for us, if we ask, according to His will, However, we are commanded to give him praise throughout the Bible. The word praise is mentioned more than 200 times in the Bible. It is most commonly found in the Psalms. We’re encouraged to give God praise, because he is good. God loves to hear our praise, just as a parent loves hearing “I love you” or “thanks” or “you’re the best dad/mom ever!” Kids can get a lot of things they want, including permission, when they praise a parent or school teacher. Bottom line is, everyone loves praise. What a different world this would be if we were more conscious about praising God and others.

“O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.” Psalm 117:1 (KJV)

“Destination: Wits End”

We sometimes focus on a difficult situation, trying to figure out the solution and unable to come up with one. We back off from the problem, and when it resurfaces later on, we come back and try again, still not finding an answer. God may be waiting for us to call on him and find direction from him. Even as Christians, the thought may never enter our mind to pray for His guidance and help in solving the issue. Then, when we’ve reached rock bottom, feeling hopeless, we cry out to God. That is when God is able to step in; problem solved! We then realize the awesome power of God. In retrospect, we consider why we did not call on God when the problem first arose.

” They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits’ end. Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.” Psalm 107:27, 28 (KJV)


In a world filled, it seems, with such upheaval and trouble, it is easy to become emotionally tired and frustrated. Technology, voicemails, emails, and just dealing with the daily experiences that surface in our world can be draining on the human spirit.

Good news! There is relief for those who have a personal relationship with Christ. We know that He has our back and even in the face of our difficulties He has promised to give strength to endure and give us hope for tomorrow.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 (KJV)